We are Alberta’s premier source for NP delivered primary care services. We specialize in providing Albertans with direct access highly skilled NP providers both through private and public NP led clinics. We provide consultation services and cultivate collaborative partnership focused on improving Albertans access to high quality, sustainable, primary care services.
Private Healthcare:
Accepting patients, limited availability – Register now
Who we are
Our team of healthcare experts provide the benchmark for delivering compassionate, inclusive, high quality care in Alberta.
Our Values
We are the industry leader in providing Albertans with access to high quality Nurse Practitioner delivered primary care services in Alberta. We offer private access to a hand selected group of primary care specialists.
Karen Parker, NP
– Co-Founder
Alberta’s destination for premier healthcare services
Memberships include a detailed wellness review, expert directed goal setting & physical exams, risk assessments, chronic disease screening & illness prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
Individualized chronic disease management by a credentialled, licensed, authorized prescriber (i.e. specialized diabetic care, weight management, mental health, complex pain management)
Our providers have clinical training in areas that include women’s health, cardiology, diabetes, geriatrics, obesity and mental health. Experienced healthcare navigators, we help to connect you to specialty care in line with your health needs and goals.
As leaders in healthcare delivery, our clinicians offer consulting services to businesses, groups and communities who are interested in improving healthcare delivery, access, and outcomes.
Lets work together to build a stronger, healthier Alberta. Our clinical executive team encourages innovation and healthcare improvement programming. Contact us for strategic partnership opportunities.
Optimizing Albertan’s access to the full compliment of primary care providers is a critical first step to stabilizing and sustaining our healthcare system. Find out how Compass can bring high quality accessible healthcare back to your community.
Trusted Healthcare
Our NPs have been vetted from across Canada to align with our high standards of comprehensive clinical practice.
All NPs are Canadian trained, credentialed, licensed and experienced primary care specialists. They practice within a clinical model that promotes and provides regular educational activities and competencies. We maintain the high standards of our practice and adhere to our professional code of ethics.
Each of our providers has a minimum of 15 years of clinical experience prior to completing their NP licensing at an accredited Canadian University. On average, our providers have a minimum of 8 years of post secondary education, with 2 graduate degrees in a health science faculty.