Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers you need about Compass Healthcare with our frequently asked questions below or call: 587-430-2477 to speak with us.

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Woman using smart phone

Learn more about Compass Healthcare

Read some of the popular questions our patients ask below:

  • General
What is a Nurse Practitioner?

NPs are credentialled primary care specialists. They are the only other healthcare professional, along with family physicians, with the clinical experience, skills, training and legislated authority to provide Albertans with the full complement of primary care services.

What training do NPs have?

The majority of NPs in Alberta have over 15 years of clinical experience in acute care and community settings prior to completing their graduate level NP programming. They typically have over 8 years of post secondary education, which includes 2 graduate degrees in a health sciences fields.

As a prerequisite to enrolling in their NP graduate program they need RN licensing (4 year undergraduate degree with 1600 hours clinical instruction/practice) and typically have over 5 years of clinical experience at an advanced practice level (10 000 hrs).

Reference – Duff E, Golonka R, O’ Rourke T, Alraja AA. The Nurse Practitioner Workforce in Western Canada: A Cross-Sectional Practice Analysis Comparison. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice. 2022;23(1):32-40. doi:10.1177/15271544211065432

How are NPs and family physicians different?

Nurse Practitioners (NPs) bring a diverse range of clinical experiences to their practice. They have a strong foundation in illness and disease management training which they approach within a holistic and patient-centered practice model, to include health literacy, preventive care and health promotion support.

Family Physicians, are well-versed in a broad spectrum of medical conditions, and emphasize on a more disease-centered approach to practice, utilizing medical interventions, medications, and surgical procedures to address health issues.

In research activities, NPs are more inclined to contribute to work that informs care models such as innovative health programs, whereas physicians are more likely to conduct research that informs improved medical treatments.

I haven’t had a primary care provider for a while, yet I understand there are 900 in Alberta. Why have I not had access to one until now?

Until an equitable public funding model is accessible to NPs, Albertans will continue to lack access to NP services.  Some NPs moved into the private sector, and require a service fee which is cost prohibitive for most Albertans.

With the recent funding announcement by Alberta Health, NPs will have the opportunity to work in clinics through a salary based funding model.  Details of this model have not been finalized yet, however, it is expected to align with the market of providing primary care services that has already been established by Canadian family physicians.


What differences would I notice in NPs scope of practice compared to family physicians?

NPs have a broad practice scope comparable to their family physicians.  Individual NP practice is influenced by practice setting (i.e. rural / remote /urban), skill level, specific license criteria (all ages or adult), and pt health needs (i.e. specialized care).

Some legislation and insurance practices have not been modernized to reflect Health Professions Act (HPA) updates (2023) and on occaision, pose artificial barriers of practice for some NPs (i.e. AISH form completion).

This is being addressed, by the provincial NP organization, on a case by case basis.


Do I have to pay to access a Nurse Practitioner through this clinic?

Our private clinic has limited spots available with NPs that offer premier access to their services. The service fee will ensure you are registered with your selected NP for the full 365 days period. There are no additional costs for this service.

How do I book a visit with a NP?

If you are interested in learning more about our private clinic, you can register a profile here to book a free consult. If you want to register on one of our NP panels, you can book a clinic visit. We will assign a service fee to your profile which you will need to pay before your clinic appointment.

Will I have a specific NP as my dedicated provider? Yes, you will have your own NP to support you with your primary care needs. We do provide coverage if your NP is not in clinic when you require more urgent care.

What availability will I have with my NP?

Our NPs provide full time hours to support your health needs. They provide you with the option of in-person or virtual care. Some of your care needs can be managed electronically, like renewing a prescription, which often do not require you to book a clinical visit. If you have a more urgent health need and your NP is unavailable, we provide coverage with other NPs to assist you. We offer extended hours of clinic operation (12 hours per day on weekdays) as well as offering clinic appointments on weekends and holidays. We also support virtual and in-person walk in appointments to bridge your care with your community provider if you are unable to access them within a reasonable period.

Doctor holding patient's hands
Doctor holding patient's hands

Why choose us

What makes us different from others?

As leaders in NP delivered healthcare services, we set the standards for high value healthcare service delivery in Alberta.  You have a choice in selecting the level of healthcare that best aligns with your lifestyle and personal preference through the offering of both private and public NP clinics.  We provide improved access to primary care with extended hours of clinic coverage including evenings, weekends and holidays.  As partners in your care, we work with you to support your health and wellness goals.

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Still have questions?

Our team of nurse practitioners are happy to answer all of your questions. You may book a free consultation, contact us at 587-430-2477 or send us a message.

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